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Hans Gerwitz

Head of Design at Canonical and King Freret IX

Every word I post here is statistically determined by preceding words.

380 Posts Posts & Replies 331 Following 426 Followers Search
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New server means a new

Hi, I am a design executive in Europe who started as a backend developer in Missouri.

My life has taken many turns, but I’ve always benefited from the advantage of being a white cishet male who is stereotyped as credible. Hopefully, I leave this planet more equitable than I found it.

I strive to apply critical analysis to everything yet also find solidarity with everyone.

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While I value “strong opinions, weakly held”, I do indulge in strongly-held opinions on a few issues. I’ll thread them here so you can make an informed decision on whether to follow or block me:

It’s not “kids these days” that make me yell at clouds, but the dopamine cartel.

Leaving a note here so I can say “I was right” later: by the time I retire, it will seem quaint that we thought global economics could be understood as the US vs China, ignoring the self-determination of India and African societies.

TIL my online writing style with copious ellipses, a careful ratio of periods and exclamation points, and emoji is optimized to alienate people of every generation.

a16z jumped the shark quite some time ago, but nothing quite captures that as well as this news:

@mosseri perhaps you already know, but out here in the fediverse none of your media is loading for me. (Even the avatar.)

Hans Gerwitz boosted

I feel like the abusive mode of software business models is so embedded at this point that we have a generation of designers who don't actually know how to prioritize user utility — which was already complicated for folks to understand even before the enshittification started.

It doesn’t require much analysis to guess that Apple will announce a major Siri upgrade at WWDC, but I can think of few signals stronger than @gruber openly trashing the current product.

I’m so proud of the Krewe of Freret for leading Mardi Gras towards a more sustainable future. 👑

I am happy to report there already exists a gopher client for visionOS, courtesy

Hans Gerwitz boosted

People who say that Apple is anti-web have no idea what they're talking about. Just this week they released the Apple Sports app *specifically* to showcase why Web Apps are so often a better choice than native apps. It's a masterful proof by example. By stripping what could have been a fun app down to its barest components, a flat list of scores with no design whatsoever, they can focus on demonstrating how these "list apps" are usually just the thinnest of wrappers around a JSON API. (1/🧵)

How does anyone post to Medium with a clean conscience anymore? To have your writing hidden behind upsells and Google account pushes and cookie warnings?

Internet connection problems take on a bit of urgency when 80% of your work time is spent in video calls.

Sales drone for a B2B services firm sends me unsolicited email, then follows up a week later with “URGENT: Follow up on previous email” subject and a message the explains nothing but asks me to confirm I’m receiving their mail.

Really, Benjamin? Does this strategy gain you customers?

I knew the Apple Vision Pro’s EyeSight looked familiar.

TIL that taming our otoliths to prevent VR motion sickness is likely to require ready access to scopolamine, also a date-rape drug. 😬

@lproven I love your romp through GUI history in @theregister

What do you mean, “US only”?

Is there any generous way to interpret the surveillance advertising capabilities Google is rolling into Chrome and Android as good-faith efforts?

With my current understanding, I'm disgusted to see them framed as privacy features.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

"During the 7 years following the Paris Agreement, the world’s top 60 private-sector banks pumped $5.5 trillion into fossil fuels." Is you bank one of them?

Very smart, Amazon

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Who did it better?

Hans Gerwitz boosted

ICYMI - is now agreeing with Geert Wilders and putting the Great Replacement as his pinned tweet.

Strong “self-driving cars by 2020” vibe here

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Under-the-radar late night launch: RSS Parrot is live! It talks like Mastodon, but it doesn't walk like Mastodon. BUT! It will relay any RSS feed straight into your timeline.

Turn Mastodon into your very own feed reader. Follow anything that has an RSS feed and get a toot about new posts.

How? Mention @birb with the address you want to follow.

More details at Boost for visibility :)

I wish we’d listened to Adam Bosworth