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Hans Gerwitz

Head of Design at Canonical and King Freret IX

Every word I post here is statistically determined by preceding words.

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New server means a new

Hi, I am a design executive in Europe who started as a backend developer in Missouri.

My life has taken many turns, but I’ve always benefited from the advantage of being a white cishet male who is stereotyped as credible. Hopefully, I leave this planet more equitable than I found it.

I strive to apply critical analysis to everything yet also find solidarity with everyone.

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While I value “strong opinions, weakly held”, I do indulge in strongly-held opinions on a few issues. I’ll thread them here so you can make an informed decision on whether to follow or block me:

If the feedback you give is always critical or always affirmative, you’re probably not being constructive.

I’m not certain whether the approach is right, but I love living in a country where “social engineering” to address disparity is on the table.

Every single post on @autism101 is highly relatable and makes me think “but that’s just the human condition”. 🤔

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Nothing more motivating than a royalty statement with a £0 balance 😓

If you're a curious human, please consider buying a copy of my book, Sticky. It's the best thing I've ever written! 🦎

• You can find on all the usual spots - and in store - in hardback and/or paperback.
• It's available as an eBook (Kindle & Kobo)
• And if you like to listen to your science - delivered in an Irish accent - it's also on audiobook (Amazon only) with me narrating it.

Thanks in advance!

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Well, I finally have data to back my model of the software world out there. And the data is relatively solid and shows what I keep saying.

You are all on our turf now. Please accept that you have no idea what you are talking about. Sit down. Listen. Ask questions.

But respect our work. We are trying to keep the world running, 1h per month.

Things that outraged Phylis Schlafly about the 1977 International Women's Year state conferences:

- "sexual conduct among consenting adults in private" should not be illegal
- "Federally-funded, comprehensive, day- care programs that meet Federal standards"
- "schools shall purchase non-sexist texts and curricular materials"

and, my favorite:

- "reduce the legal work week from 40 to 35 hours"

It's time for the annual reminder that lying is a lame form of humor. Constructing a believable but false narrative might make you feel creative and clever and smarter than all the April fools, you just come across as an asshole to most of us.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

“When drivers fail to yield for pedestrians, it’s not because they can’t see them, it’s because they don’t care.” Kudos to @VisionZeroYVR for this brilliant intervention.

Edited 171d ago

@caolan just curious: how did you name Croftmark?

There is too much internet.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Ever wondered about UK place names? My new web app lets you search place names (starting with 'south', ending with 'burgh', containing 'sea' etc) and plot them on a map - and then share those maps with friends.

Have a look at, or try one of the examples, like this map of different suffixes:

I am the struggling-with-the-language immigrant they’re worried about, and like the idea of civic integration courses.

A small one for tourists, too, please.

Let’s start a new conspiracy theory that Ring cameras are a [enemy of the day] plot to enable realtime targeting intelligence.

I try to stay out of the “trans women in sports” debate, because I don’t care much about competitive sports and recognize it’s a complicated subject I have no insight into.

But … darts? Really? We’re worried about sex purity in darts?

“Being fully aware that we have no control over how the Universe works or what the future holds…”

Hans Gerwitz boosted

We've found a new home for! 🎉

Canonical is stepping in and will facilitate hosting, keeping the instance exactly where it is – no migration needed.

If you've been thinking about tidying up your personal data, now's the perfect opportunity before the database transition. Here's to moving forward together!

At this point, it’s boring to observe there exists a West Coast techno-utopian culture bubble where people think advanced AI is the biggest threat we should worry about, the treatment for hatred is more free speech, meritocracy will address inequity, etc.

It’s strange to have left it and observe from outside. I actually have some nostalgia, and sometimes roll my eyes with a subtle pang of yearning for the comforting embrace of that myopia.

At this point, it’s boring to observe there exists a West Coast techno-utopian culture bubble where people think advanced AI is the biggest threat we should worry about, the treatment for hatred is more free speech, meritocracy will address inequity, etc.

It’s strange to have left it and observe from outside. I actually have some nostalgia, and sometimes roll my eyes with a subtle pang of yearning for the comforting embrace of that myopia.

Good news, Google has a dataset (for training AI) that labels "race ethnicity" for pictures of skin. I'm sure this won't be misused.

Edited 184d ago

Happy international Transit Driver Appreciation Day!

I hope your city is observing it, but thank a bus driver or train conductor in any event.

Considering the grift that gets through Apple’s precious App Store screening these days, it might be time to try this one again:

Whatever became of Bokode?

Why did we stop calling them "server farms"? Farms make so much more sense than clouds.

@gruber remember when “social media” was playful?