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Hans Gerwitz

Head of Design at Canonical and King Freret IX

Every word I post here is statistically determined by preceding words.

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New server means a new

Hi, I am a design executive in Europe who started as a backend developer in Missouri.

My life has taken many turns, but I’ve always benefited from the advantage of being a white cishet male who is stereotyped as credible. Hopefully, I leave this planet more equitable than I found it.

I strive to apply critical analysis to everything yet also find solidarity with everyone.

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While I value “strong opinions, weakly held”, I do indulge in strongly-held opinions on a few issues. I’ll thread them here so you can make an informed decision on whether to follow or block me:

gaza violence
Hans Gerwitz boosted

The fact that there are homeless people in a world with multi level parking structures is a fucking embarassment

We have “housed cars” and “homeless people” at the same time. Booo

A parable of our decade in two pieces of nearly-identical hardware:

In 2012 we had the Descriptive Camera using Mechanical Turk, as a thought provoking student project and a blog post.

In 2024 we get the Poetry Camera using AI, with a slick website and signups for buying one.

Edited 143d ago
Hans Gerwitz boosted

Well that sucks.

> The EDPS pilot project of EU Voice and EU Video has proved that public bodies, like EUIs, can offer social media platforms that respect individuals’ fundamental rights

> Unfortunately, despite our efforts to find a new home for EU Voice and EU Video in other EUIs, we have been unable to secure new ownership to maintain the servers and sustain operations at the high standards that EUIs and our users deserve

Hans Gerwitz boosted

“House Republicans” in headlines is starting to sound like “Florida Man.”

So when a functioning democratic government like Brazil’s tells Musk to filter content, he not only refuses but attacks them. But when a strongman like Modi does, he quietly complies.

The sad little dictators gotta stick together, I guess.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Global data center energy use is set to triple this year, from 15TWh last year to 46TWh this year.

That's an increase on the order of what Serbia or Ireland consumes in a year.

Given that most of this demand is being driven by Nvidia GPU systems for AI compute and Nvidia is manufacturing capacity limited right now, with all available hardware being installed, we can expect that growth rate to continue, adding another ~30TWh next year — except that the next generation of hardware consumes even more power, so it could be more like an additional 40TWh, another Denmark or New Zealand. If Nvidia gets over their supply chain crunch, this could go much higher, assuming the market and grid can support it. Even with only linear growth, this would put us at ~285TWh by 2030, approximately the same as all of the UK.

It won't, of course — it's an obvious bubble and the infrastructure simply isn't there to support this, but it's a catastrophe in the making regardless.

Edited 147d ago
Hans Gerwitz boosted

The voyager stuff is cool, but where are the hard debugging details. How did they isolate the problem to that specific chip?

They're moving the logic somewhere else, cool. Is it replacing/diminishing other functionality? Was voyager created/born with the ability to hotfix software or was that hacked on.

Don't leave me hanging! Turn this into a Netflix drama

I am adopting “ass lipped” as my preferred Trump insult.

Hans Gerwitz boosted
Hans Gerwitz boosted

Hello fedi. i am trying to solve the "fetch all replies" problem once and for all that makes the fedi feel a lot more desolate and with a lot more reply guys in it than it should be. this is take two, where before i had it triggered by a button, but now i think it should happen on the server-side whenever you expand a post. can anyone help me out figure out how to make this more efficient by only fetching posts that the server doesn't already have? i am not sure what the best strategy would be, and if anyone with experience doing efficient rails and SQL stuff could give me some pointers that would be gr8. the patch is actually extremely simple it just needs a few nice things to make it not DDoS everyone.

Issue that describes approach:
Wiki page:

Edited 150d ago
Hans Gerwitz boosted

St Louis thugs went on a rampage at a protest, attacking based on no grounds. Oops! They attacked an undercover thug. Some of the attackers were jailed for this, which is good. But what we really should demand is that thugs be jailed for rampaging against innocent people even when those are not actually thugs in disguise.

@rands welcome to the fediverse

I think this is the sort of attention-seeking journalism that inflates a niche into some broad cultural signal, but, still: I hope “ortho bro” takes off as a slur.

Naturally, I agree with this article wholeheartedly. But I also want to appreciate the straightforward writing style and total lack of clickbait nonsense in the headline.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Folks, just remember that Mastodon has no algorithm artificially promoting content. The only way this site works is if you boost my posts repeatedly, and report everyone else's

US politics

This brings me an inexplicable amount of joy. I feel Orlo.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Not even 24 hrs after making history as the first company to mass fire workers for pro-Palestine protests, by summarily firing 28 people, Google announced that the “(ir)responsible AI org,” the one they created in response to firing me, is now reporting up the Israeli office, through an SVP there.

Seems like they want us to know how forcefully and clearly they are backing this genocide.

Hans Gerwitz boosted

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Tickets cover base costs, but sponsors pay for lovely things like our free childcare and talk transcription. Every little helps!

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I finally wrote down my thoughts on the UX of the Vision Pro:

Hans Gerwitz boosted

Brits ask “A penny for your thoughts?” and Americans respond with “Just my two cents”. At current exchange rates ($1.00 = £0.80) this means Brits are receiving 1.6p of American thoughts for just 1p. In this paper we propose an alternative asset pricing model for the marketplace of ideas, considering—