@slightlyoff one downside of the persistent myth that programmers are inherently smart and thus immune to soft issues like feelings and marketing is that there's basically no industry-wide defense against completely meaningless terminology like "modern" being used as a substitute for figuring out whether something is fit for purpose.
@dotstdy @slightlyoff part of that myth I think is the pernicious underlying idea that we must move fast or die. If we operate with that as unquestioned truth, then we must also grab and use premade looks-close-enough things with little consideration.
@maphew @dotstdy And it doesn't even work! I sit with *so many* teams that are beached on the shores of unshippability because their "move fast" stacks only provided a one-time burst of acceleration, rather than sustainable gains in velocity and momentum.
Adding the time folks have to spend remediating these made-up problems to the cost side of the equation makes these "move fast" systems look like what they are: irresponsibily marketed tools for experts in the hands of n00bs.