@mekkaokereke Trump is more likely to help them keep and enhance their power over others. People with much power over others are more likely to be racist.
This downplays of the level of racism that billionaire Trump supporters have. Any GOP candidate is going to give them those same tax breaks. That's not why these dudes love Trump in particular. The supporters say why they love Trump, loudly, and in public. They even say they would lose money to support him. And do!
I don't know why there's this compulsion to downplay the white supremacy aspects of his support, when the supporters themselves don't downplay it? It's weird.
@mekkaokereke The big money started flooding in after Trump secured the nomination. The power-obsessed racist narcissists who give Trump that money were opposed to Biden. They don't love Trump. They only love themselves. If it were Trump vs. Romney, for example, I don't think your hypothesis would hold, because Rodney's actions would gratify them much more than Trump's words. I totally agree with the racist component, but the driving force is naked power.