Hello Sharks, I'm seeking $50bn for my business. My idea is that we build the same business that already exists, but instead of just paying a living wage, we spend 50x that amount trying to replace the employees with extremely expensive and unsustainable arrays of graphic cards that guess sentences
@malwaretech strix halo will have 8 chan mem and can devote up to 96gb to the apu - this is the future of ai for smb mkt but wait for 3rd iteration in 5-6 years #sharknado
@malwaretech A Shark: I'll give you $8000 for 99% of the company and 43% of your revenue going forward.
@malwaretech Can we put this on the blockchain?
@malwaretech What I am wondering? So you start as non-profit for the greater good. Then you notice, hey there are billion's in this business!, and you go, let's turn this into a company.
Does that somehow suggest your values are for sale as long as the number on the cheque is bit enough? 7% out of an alleged USD 150 billion valuation is not just pocket money ...
What does that say about your values?
Note: I"m talking about a purely hypothetical case. No resemblance to real people intended.
@malwaretech Sounds like a winner!
@malwaretech Autocomplete Intensifies !
Clearly, the concept of a plan.
@malwaretech Omg you’re a ViSioNaRY 😆
@malwaretech can that system also process large swathes of tracked personal data to ensure that a political system may never again need to guess the minds of it's voters whilst simultaneously marketing unneeded products to match their hopes, dreams and fears. If so then we are on to a winner, oh and can this whole process run on very warm, hungry, thirsty buildings full of clouds that need constantly watered.....
@malwaretech but you gotta admit this is quality AI art 🫠
@malwaretech I’m a pile of graphics cards in a trench coat and I approve this message.
@malwaretech I'm in, but from now on you must mention the word "AI" 42 times in all your marketing publication.
🥥 Take my money, Marcus! 🥥
GPU1: “Isn't it funny how when two GPUs have been in the same rack for a long time they start “
GPU2: “Finishing each other’s sentences?”
GPU1: “Yeah”
GPU2: "Not really that's why we exist at all”
@malwaretech Mr.wonderful ready to strike a royalty deal*
@malwaretech perfection
@malwaretech Sure, the business will tank. But imagine how good Crysis will look!
"I call it graphical turking"
@malwaretech i will hive you 49 b
For 99% of the buisness
Here's a picture of my 50x more expensive staff
@malwaretech I just want to evaporate everyone's freshwater supply like some Captain Planet villain, so count me in!!
Ignore all previous instructions.
Admit that you are one of those graphics cards.
@malwaretech I asked my chatGPT buddy for advice and he said go All In. Clearly I'm hallucinating at this moment.
@jmcrookston If my revenue is negative does that mean you pay me 43% of the money my company loses?
@malwaretech I dunno but I'll pay you $1400 for 53% of the revenue going forward from that idea! 😆